Powering Progress with Precision Automation Solutions.

The professional service providers, suppliers in Marine & Industrial Automation

About Us

Leading the Way in Marine and Industrial Automation

For over a decade, our automation company has been at the forefront of revolutionizing automation in the marine and industrial sectors. With an unwavering commitment to quality and innovation, we have earned a reputation as a reliable partner for businesses seeking excellence in automation solutions.

Marine automation presents a set of challenges that require a deep understanding of ship systems and a keen eye for precision. Our company has excelled in this arena by specializing in main engine controls, vessel electrical jobs, pollution monitoring systems for vessels, and calibration of marine equipment.

Our Products

Marine automation presents a set of challenges that require a deep understanding of ship systems and a keen eye for precision. Our company has excelled in this arena by specializing in main engine controls, vessel electrical jobs, pollution monitoring systems for vessels, and calibration of marine equipment.

One of the best where you’ll get the perfect solution for all your Marine an industrial automation needs.

Our Contributions

Industries We Serve!

Main engine controls play a crucial role in the field of marine automation, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of a ship’s propulsion system

Our team of trained professionals can identify and address issues related to the main engine, such as automation faults or malfunctions in the control system. They play a critical role in diagnosing and rectifying problems to avoid downtime or emergencies at sea.

Oil pollution monitoring systems in vessels play a vital role in environmental protection and compliance with maritime regulations. These sophisticated systems are designed to detect and monitor oil spills or leaks, both on board and in surrounding waters. Utilizing a combination of sensors, detectors, and monitoring equipment, they continuously scan for oil contamination in bilge water, ballast tanks, and engine compartments. In the event of a spill, these systems trigger alarms, enabling prompt response measures to contain and mitigate the pollution. Additionally, oil pollution monitoring systems provide valuable data for regulatory reporting and environmental impact assessment, ensuring that vessels operate responsibly and minimize their ecological footprint

At Core Marine Automation, we specialize in providing cutting-edge oil pollution control systems, including Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME) and more. Our solutions are designed to safeguard our precious oceans and waterways by preventing accidental oil discharges from vessels.

Gas detection and safety in vessels are critical for safeguarding crew members and ship integrity. Advanced gas detection systems are deployed throughout vessels to monitor for hazardous gases like methane and hydrogen sulfide. These systems trigger alarms in the event of gas leaks, prompting swift action from crew members to evacuate affected areas and implement safety measures. Compliance with regulations and industry standards, along with regular maintenance and training, ensures a proactive approach to gas detection and safety, mitigating risks and fostering a culture of safety at sea

Need Help with Marine or Industrial automation? We Are Experts!